Kriminal, Kejahatan, PerilakuAbstract
Alcohol is often used to refer to ethanol, which is also called grain alcohol, and sometimes to
drinks that contain alcohol. Ethanol, a compound that has the chemical formula C2H5OH (usually called
ethyl alcohol, pure alcohol, or absolute alcohol) is widely used as a solvent for various chemicals intended
for consumption and other uses, for example in perfumes, flavorings, food colorings, and medicines. In
chemistry, ethanol is an important solvent as well as a feed stock for the synthesis of other chemical
compounds. Alcohol in human life has dual, conflicting functions. On the one hand, alcohol is a substance
that can help humanity. However, on the other hand, alcohol can be used as a drink which can become a
very dangerous boomerang, especially for teenagers. This is because ethanol is used as the basic ingredient
in these drinks, not methanol, or other groups of alcohol. Someone who is influenced by alcoholic drinks
will of course find it very difficult to use common sense and their thoughts to control their desires and
desired actions. In this case, the relationship with a crime committed by a person is active, which means
that a person has no intention or desire to commit a crime, but because of the influence of Aethanol through
the alcohol he drinks, it causes that person to commit a crime.
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