Author Fees

If the manuscript is published, the author is charged an article publishing fee of IDR 150,000. This fee is used for the review process, editing, publishing, article storage and archiving costs and publication costs.

Authors who withdraw their articles after the review process has begun, are subject to a fine of Rp. 200,000, - because such actions are futile.

Fees should be sent to BRI Account: 0667-0100-4838-50-2 (a.n Arif Fiandi)

Send proof of transfer to WA: 0852 7482 3488

Before the fee is sent, the article cannot be downloaded.


Jika naskah diterbitkan, Penulis dikenakan biaya penerbitan artikel Rp 150.000,-. Biaya ini digunakan untuk proses review, editing, penerbitan, biaya penyimpanan dan pengarsipan artikel serta biaya publikasi.

Penulis yang menarik kembali Artikelnya setelah proses review dimulai, dikenakan denda sebesar Rp. 200.000,- karena tindakan tersebut adalah perbuatan yang sia-sia.

Biaya Dikirimkan ke Rekening BRI : 0667-0100-4838-50-2 (a.n Arif Fiandi)

Kirim bukti transfer ke WA: 0852 7482 3488

Sebelum biaya dikirimkan, maka artikel belum bisa didownload.