The Relationship between Knowledge and HIV/Aids Prevention Behavior At the Ngalum Putra Dormitory Students in the Pegunungan Bintang in Jayapura, Papua
HIV Knowledge, Prevention Behavior, dormitory student, PapuaAbstract
The whole world is still faced with the same problem, namely HIV/AIDS. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the body's immune system. The Papua Provincial Health Service noted that there were 18,471 cases of HIV/AIDS sufferers as of September 30 2023 in Papua Province, and 20,726 cases in Central Papua Province. From the statement above, it is clear that the prevalence of HIV/AIDS cases in Indonesia, especially in Papua, is still a problem that has not been resolved to date. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and HIV/AIDS prevention behavior among students at the Ngalum Putra Mountains Bintang Dormitory in Jayapura. The sample consisted of 20 students who lived in dormitories. Data collection used a questionnaire with 21 questions. The data obtained will be tested using the Sommers statistical test. Results were obtained with a significance of 0.00 < 0.05, which means that the Knowledge variable has a meaningful relationship and a close relationship of 1.00 was also obtained, which is in the perfect category. The relationship between the two variables has a positive correlation direction, which means that the higher the level of knowledge a student has, the higher the prevention behavior related to HIV AIDS will be obtained.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ria Romantir, Yunita Mangonto, Muammar Karim, Albertho Siktaop, Wellem Duwiri, Yokbet Tepmul

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