Social media, learning English, social media usersAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine social media users' perspectives on learning English using social media. This study collects data using a qualitative descriptive approach, with questionnaires distributed to 26 social media users who are learning English through social media. The data collected through a set of questionnaires can be summarized as follows: 1) The majority of respondents agreed that their English skills improved as a result of using social media; 2) The majority of respondents agreed that they frequently get new vocabulary from social media; 3) The majority of respondents agreed that they can improve their speaking using the duet feature on social media; and 4) The majority of respondents agreed that they can get English material on social media; 5) The majority of respondents agree they enjoy learning English using social media; 6) The majority of respondent use of social media makes it easier to learn English. Therefore, the use of social media provides benefits for its user to learn English.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Suriyani Djamdjuri, Muhammad Furqan, Azkia Aulia Fitra Soedarman

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